中文名 : 人生本來就塗塗改改:那些我們從犯錯中學到的成長筆記
其實我們應該是更好的是避免犯錯,所以我很推薦這本書 - 成功無法複製,但錯誤可以避免且即使當下無法挽回的大錯,也是認清弱點、扭轉方向的起點。
- 自我認知 - 學習聽自我內在的聲音、別害羞去求幫助、去問跟說"No"...etc
- 工作職涯 - 別害怕轉換軌道、別常做免費工、別把第一份工作當作終生工作...etc
What I've learned from this book:
- Take control of the story that you want to tell about yourself.
- Find a way to work toward your goal, even if it's not the way you thought you'd do it.
- Feedback is scary, but it makes your work better.
- Prepare for public speaking events. If you don't know how to work a crowd, then get help.
- Do your research and don't get bogged down by missteps.
- Embrace challenges; usually, people don't expect you to do something perfectly right away.
- Asking for money can be easier over e-mail. As a journalist, I 've learned that if you give someone a chance to get off the hook, they'll take it -- on the phone it's easy to want to be nice, to say things like, "I know these are hard times and you probably can't pay this." (They'll probably say "Yes, you're right") I can be a little more hard-nosed by e-mail. You also have a written record of the conversations.
- You may have reasons for being willing to accept less money because you're getting something else out of the deal - like experience or prestige. But especially these days, be very, very careful not to fall into the trap of working for free just for "exposure." In rare circumstances, it can be worth it, but it is usually exploitative. You're worth more than that. And exposure doesn't pay the bills.
在這本書的每篇的結構是,敘述主角的背景,然後點出 "Lessons I've Learned" 簡短的字句點出下面要說的重點與情景,最後以"Tip"來詳細說明。
Kim Gordon,
Lessons I've Learned:
Even When you're certain of your path from a young age, it's good to be open to opportunity and possibility -- and to the idea that having a career doesn't have to mean doing one thing for our whole life.
- Know that even if you start out with a certain idea of what you're going to do in your life, almost no one ends up following that straight line.
- The idea of "work-life balance" is not necessarily helpful. If you are immersed in your work and raising a family, you might feel a lot of good things -- but it may not include "balanced"
- You don't have to think, "I do this for work and will always do it". Careers are long, and they evolve and change over time. That's actually a good thing.
犯錯是讓人難過、甚至非常難堪,但是犯錯並不是失敗。這說來容易,但要做到,很不容易。大家都談成功,但是鮮少人願意公開自己犯的錯誤、如何走出錯誤在腦中揮之不去的陰影。 我個人而言,犯錯後真的會有個陰影,也想辦法去排除別人對我犯的錯誤印象,後來學著面對自己的錯誤,寫下自己的錯誤與改正方式。 我從這本書看到其他人是如何走過的經驗,給自己繼續前進的動力。
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