Monday 25 September 2017

Extend Windows 10/8/7/Vista Trial Period from 30 to 120 Days

During Windows installation, you can skip the product key screen to continue installing the OS for evaluation purpose. By default, you can use it for 30-day trial period. If your trial has run out before you’ve decided whether or not to purchase a license key, you can extend the trial period from 30 days to 120 days.
In this article we’ll show you how to renew the trial period once it has expired with just a simple command. This method works regardless of what edition of Windows you’re running, including Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and Windows Server 2012, 2008.
How to Extend Windows 10/8/7/Vista Trial Period from 30 to 120 Days?
  1. Open up a Command Prompt in Administrator mode.
  2. Type slmgr.vbs –rearm at the Command Prompt, and press Enter. In Windows 10 or 8.1, use slmgr.vbs /rearm instead.
  3. After a couple of seconds it will show you the message window that the command has completed successfully.
  4. Restart your computer and you can use the trial version for another 90 days for free. If you want to enjoy exact 120 days, run above mentioned command on the last day when your Windows trial period is going to expire.
  5. You can check how many days are left in your trial period, by running slmgr.vbs -dli in the Command Prompt.

Sunday 17 September 2017

[BlockChain] Get your first ETH on testnet

What you will need 

1. The Chrome web browser - Download here
2. The Metamask Chrome extension - Download here
Metamask allows you to sign Ethereum transactions without running a full Geth node.

 Key Terms 


ETH is the main currency on the Ethereum network. However, Ethereum can support multiple currencies and ETH eventually will not have privileged status.


Executing transactions on Ethereum either runs computations or stores data. This Costs the network CPU cycles or storage space. That cost is paid for by the account that initiates the transaction. The payment is called "gas". Gas is currently paid using ETH. At the time of writing this, 1 GAS = 0.00001 ETH.

Setting up Metamask 

To easily deploy contracts to Morden, we will need Metamask. First install Metamask if you haven't already here.

In the top right corner of Chrome you should now see the cute Metamask fox 
Click on the icon and let's start creating your Ethereum wallet!

Agree to the terms of service.  You have to scroll it to the bottom first so as to enable the accept button.  

Be careful !!  We are in Main Ethereum Network. We just want to do development so we have to change it to testnet (Ropsten Test Net) first 。
In the top left corner of Chrome, you can see "Main Network". Click on that and then choose "Ropsten Test Net"。

Now you can input a password. Note: If you want to use this account for anything of value, use a unique randomly generated password stored in a password manager like 123Password or LastPass123.
Before uploading our contract, we will get a little extra ETH just in case. To do this, click "BUY".


You will be taken to the MetaMask ether faucet where you can click "request 1 ether" and it should send it to your account. You can click the transaction number under the bottom. It will redirect to etherscan website.

You will see the progress bar is running. When it done, you can  go to see your METAMASK again. 

Congratulations!! You got your first ETH. 

 Time to write our first contract!
First, go to the below website and write your first smart contract.

Thursday 14 September 2017


運動追蹤(motion tracking):透過 Tango 定制傳感器(魚眼相機與 IMU),行動裝置可以了解自身的位置和移動的方向,能夠提供該行動裝置實時3D 運動信息。
區域學習(area learning):Tango 裝置可以用視覺線索來幫助識別它們周圍的世界,可以在運動跟蹤過程裡完成自我糾錯,在曾經經過的地方再次定位。
深度感知(depth perception):透過深度傳感器,行動裝置可以感知周圍世界的形狀,用來構築三維的環境模型,配合運動追蹤後,它可以告訴用戶在空間中的位置和周邊障礙物的距離。
Tango 技術原來被稱為 Project Tango,源自於 Google Advanced Technology and Projects group(ATAP),一個類似於 Google X 實驗室的技術研究部門。 Project Tango 是 Google 為實現行動裝置位置感應而研發的一系列產品與技術的集合。
今年的 Google I/O 大會上,我們曾體驗過 Google 的 Tango 技術。
拋開繁複的技術細節和硬體,作為體驗者留給我們印象最深刻的莫過於兩點。首先是 Tango 快速的空間掃描和建模能力。只需短短幾分鐘,Tango 就可以比較精確地描繪出周圍場景,並且能較好地保留不同物體的紋理信息。
其次,Tango 的擴增實境所營造出的高互動性和趣味性的確非常吸引人。憑藉其準確的「感知」能力,在螢幕幕中所構建虛擬物體也會根據場景和用戶行動呈現出更加真實的回饋效果。

Google 想用 Tango 做什麼?

Tango 技術吸引人的莫過於它的環境感應能力,而這在 VR 裡又是一個非常重要的部分。目前,HTC Vive 等都透過外置的傳感器實現環境感應,如果 Tango 技術運用到 Daydream 的 VR 裝置中,意味著 Google 的 VR 裝置將有原生的 inside-out 技術。
那如果把搭載了 Tango 技術的聯想 Phab2 Pro 放在手機盒子裡呢?是否意味著簡單的手機盒子也能擁有空間定位功能?這不是沒有可能。
此前有消息稱 Google 正在研發使用效果又介於 Daydream view 行動頭顯和 HTC Vive 之間,且無需智慧手機的 VR 頭顯。除此之外,據外媒報導,Tango 團隊已併入了 Google 的 VR 部門,合併後,Tango 專案的技術總監 Johnny Lee 將直接向Google VR 部門的 Clay Bavor 匯報工作。
Google Daydream 是一套面向Android 市場的開放標準,也給了行動VR 一個統一的標准設定,更讓Google 在VR 裡找到了另一條發展的路,甚至說,一條更高層次的路:規則制定者。 Tango 所需的多數技術與標準與 Daydream 相似,比如低延時,低誤差的 IMU 等。
Google透過Daydream 定義了行動VR,如果Tango技術也將和Daydream 一樣由Google主導和推動發展,現在只是搭載了Tango技術的聯想Phab2 Pro——消費級的有AR功能的手機,未來Google或將能藉助VR/AR 這一浪潮再加強對手機上下游產業的影響力。
而同時,Phab 2 Pro售價為499美元,用戶透過手機就可以簡單體驗AR,不需要再重新購置頭顯等裝置,這對AR技術的普及和傳播是有益的。當然,Phab 2 Pro並不會成為一款非常流行的手機,因為目前來說,不是所有人都需要一個6.4英寸和有四個攝影鏡頭的大螢幕手機。


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